March 27, 2024
Floor Planning
May 29, 2024If you google “feet are the foundation of the body,” there are dozens of articles supporting this
belief told in a variety of ways. There is one from Harvard Health written in July of 2022 entitled
Happy Feet, Happy Life. In the article Dr. Kevin Reimer, a podiatrist says, “As you age, healthy
feet become essential for being mobile, active, and safe.” Other articles from physical
therapists and yoga gurus say that attention to our feet can mean the difference between injury
and distress to health and bliss. We honor our feet with activity and how we adorn them. We
parade them around in shoes. And how we love shoes. Regardless of how kind the shoes are to
our feet.
In our work, we have seen hundreds of thousands of pairs of shoes. Some closets will have a
hundred or more pairs of shoes. Multiple colors of the same style. Dress and athletic. High
heels, wedges, flip flops, leather, acrylic, never worn, gently worn, torn to shreds. You name it
and we’ve seen it. Many remain in their original boxes, some in plastic facsimiles, some are on a
shelf covered with dust, some are just heaped in piles, and some are buried in the back of the
Many people have attachments to shoes for a variety of reasons.
Here are a few:
• I paid a fortune for those shoes. Those are Louis Vuitton. Or Hermes. Or incredibly
• I love them and plan to wear them. I know they’re dusty and I haven’t worn them in
years or ever, but I plan to wear them.
• I wore those at my daughter’s wedding. Yes, 25 years ago but they have memories.
• I wear them all the time. They are worn out I know, and I could fall because they are
broken down, but they are my favorite shoes.
Shoes are tucked away in closets and easy to forget but much like anything, they require a little
attention and once sorted and discerned, thinning is freedom.
• Rid your closet of any shoe that could cause injury.
o If you haven’t worn high heels in a long time, your knees and ankles may not be
ready for them.
o Shoes that are worn out (with compromised soles, laces, heels) could be a
tripping hazard.
• If you have shoes covered with dust, ask yourself why haven’t I worn these?
o Were these one-event shoes? For a wedding? A cruise? Will I wear them again?
o Were these shoes I wore to work but no longer go into an office?
o Were these shoes that I wore in a different climate that I no longer travel to? If I
do travel, do I need several pairs of shoes for a different climate?
o Are they comfortable?
• How many of each type of shoes do I need?
o Athletic Shoes
o Sandals
o Flip flops
o Dress shoes
o Slippers
o Boots
Those shoes that you don’t need can be donated and sometimes sold through consignment
stores. Someone will enjoy the shoes you no longer need or wear. And if worn out, there are
many charities that recycle shoes. Give your shoes some attention and glean what you can and
will wear safely and happily. Your closet will be lighter and streamlined with just the shoes that
serve you best.