Food Storage Containers
October 25, 2023
New Year’s Priorities
January 2, 2024Gratitude. As the month ends and we head into the flurry of the next holiday, I am remembering the quiet reflective feeling of gratitude that settled in this month. Early November didn’t begin with the whimsical carols, the twinkling lights, and Black Friday, and Cyber Monday bombardment weighing us down now. For us, it began with a Gratitude brunch with the KRB team and then a trip to Kansas City to spend a long weekend with others who serve as move managers across the nation and some from around the world. The annual NASMM Conference. The. BEST. People. Like my wonderful KRB Team Members, they work hard and serve others. They are joy-filled and grateful. Yes, most of us see the work of senior move management as a calling. It is work we were meant to do. We are appreciated by those we serve. We are told regularly that they could not have done the move without us. We get people where they want and need to be. We do it with humor and compassion. We lift the burden and we do it daily.
There were so many highlights of this year’s Conference. Just seeing those we have come to know over the years and celebrating their accomplishments is always pure delight. This year, I presented a learning lab with two of my dear colleagues and met quite a few who were new to the industry. Looking back to the fear of owning a business and the fear of failing, we were able to encourage others to jump in and do it. We did and you can, too. The bright eyes and enthusiasm of those starting out was heart lifting. We recently saw several of our colleagues retire and the new energy of those joining the field is inspiring. I attended sessions and learned about creating a master mind group, doing large scale moves, involving family in your business, working with trust officers and aging life care professionals, managing photos for Customers, partnering with movers, and most significantly hearing Joshua Becker, of Becoming Minimalist fame. He is a writer, creator, and philanthropist who advocates for living more by owning less. I had followed him on Facebook for years and his keynote really hit the mark.
He commended us for the good we bring to the world saying more than once how much he loves our profession. We help people own less and owning less holds benefits for all people. Owning less gives us more energy, more money, and more time. Owning less allows people to pursue their passions. Owning less helps people become better versions of themselves.
We have seen this play out when those we help downsize now begin to paint, write, play an instrument, walk daily, play cards, coffee klatch, volunteer. No longer burdened by keeping a home, the lack of companionship, poor nutrition. Living in a community in a smaller space allows them to do, enjoy, partake. We see them 6 months after a move, and they look like new people, and we can proudly say we helped make that happen.
“We do our best work when we are motivated by helping others.” -Joshua Becker
As we enter the season of joy, consider adopting a senior through the Silver Santas program. To family and friends, give gifts of experiences (concerts, museums, theater tickets), homecooked meals and home-baked desserts, restaurant and grocery store gift cards, airline tickets, a state park membership, a kindle subscription. What do we really need? The answer is very little.